Sunday, June 6, 2010

Beach Boy

It is always nice to open up the door and find a surprise.  Ed was excited to go to the beach but the bridge got stuck in the raised position and we had to fight traffic to get home.  Poor kid kept his "pool glasses" on the entire time. Don't pretend like your car seats are any cleaner! Okay, maybe they probably are... Oh and any Say What fans-I have added a few more say whats from the weekend.


Jillo said...

That carseat is pretty clean compared to Dexter's. I just pretend I can't hear him say, "Oh I found a jellybean!" I also ignore the munching snd of goldfish that I know I did not hand him. It's funny because I was just thinking this morning that I need to get the infant seat out and clean it for the new baby on the way and I should give Dex's a once over too, but I have yet to do either and it is already 2pm. I cease to work after about 4.

sivab said...

I always figure why bother because it gets manky in minutes and this way we are really able to make a generic looking carseat our own. When are you going to pop out the baby anyway?

Jillo said...

I want the baby out now. I really enjoy pregnancy until the last 3 weeks. I am done, and I just want to see her. Maybe she can share her Aunt Sara's birthday.

sivab said...

I think if I can get twin to bump hers until the 15th I would be willing to share...