Sunday, April 26, 2009

Guess What?

Mark is now officially on a tenure-track position at Richard Stockton and we have purchased our first home. The house is so much better than we could have hoped for and we honestly love it. I am sure the honeymoon period will end sometime but for now we enjoy waking up every morning and finding out new reasons to love our 80's house. We wondered if things would change when we owned a home and I have to say they have. Of course these things are always a process, but the house has gone a long way to helping us to feel like we are getting settled back in America. Mark and I aren't decorators but we are dreamers so it is nice to have a space to dream about for awhile. Lucky for us, the house, while not beautiful (yet), it is very liveable and we will be able to live how it is until we can afford to Bergatize it. Melamine Mark has been busy crafting a new closet to fit all of the girls' belongings into, painting the garage (one-coat is all we could muster but one is better than the none-right?), and converting the dining room into an office. We are doing things on the cheap but tasteful (so we like to believe anyway) side so melamine it is. The problem that faces Mark is that I know his knack for solving problems so the sky is the limit for my crazy ideas. Every time he comes home I start out by asking him, "Could you craft me..." He has worked hard and done a wonderful job of using old bits of and pieces of this and that and yes on assembling lots and lots of melamine. I offered to do some hand-crafted wood pieces with my dremel but Mark gave me that skeptical look. So wish us luck and maybe if you are lucky I will share some pictures. For now here is a picture of the tire swing in our neighbors yard that the girls have taken over.


Chris said...

Can't wait to come back down and see all the custom closets!

The Hammonds said...

Congrats! We too have an 80s home, and I love to dream up projects. Enjoy!

Melamike said...

Congrats on the new digs! Hope all goes well with the melamine and bergatization.