Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Feeling Yucky Inside

The past few days I have not been feeling 100%. I haven't been bed-ridden but I also haven't been my usual happy-go-lucky self. I just received a telephone call surveying whether we should cancel the ward Halloween party or not because we have one blood tested confirmed case of the swine flu.
We had our Primary Program Sunday and yes there was as the Primary Prez stated best, "whole lotta coughin' goin' on". Being in the Presidency I was there front and center as well as doling out the sugar cookies. To be fair to the contaminated child-I wasn't feeling all that great Sunday morning.
I thought I was just tired and slightly achy from my one of my half-effort workouts during the week. Since Sunday I have progressively felt worse so after that phone call I decided to look up symptoms of the swine flu. I know I am notorious for being a hypochondriac but I am now certain I have the swine flu.
Since I have self-diagnosed myself I feel a weird sort of niggly piggly even swinely feeling inside my chest. Kind of like when you hear someone talking about head lice and your scalp starts to itch. Yes, so while I was sick before I now feel icky knowing what it is. It really was only a matter of time and now I can freely partake of any swine-infected candy my children will collect come Halloween.

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