Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Chicky Love

The chicks are growing up fast. It is getting harder to see the perks of owning a dog when the chicks are soooo much cheaper and provide hours of entertainment without having to monitor and yell "Ep". So far the chicks are alive and very tolerant. I didn't think they would last this long but they seem to be thriving. On Sunday we were enjoying dinner outside when we heard sirens, a screeching halt and then someone yelling at us over our fence if we "saw anything". Looking a bit closer, we noticed he was caring a large rifle as were the other four officers sneaking around the back of our neighbors house with rifles at the ready. Mark got the kids in while I jumped the deck railing to save Ed and the chicks. Tough. Luckily no shots were fired and eventually the guns were put away after we watched 15 teenagers emerge from a very tiny house. They just kept coming out like clowns out of a VW bug. It didn't look like any arrests were made but Mark still needs to go and get the what what from the neighbor. Just another day of living in the hood of NJ. Now that I think of it I should have taken a picture from my window for those of you that may think that I am lying. Anyway here are some chick pictures some of them taken MOMENTS before the cops descended upon the crims out back.

1 comment:

janaemadsen said...

oh poor unloved tess. I love the chicks but in a few months they will also be much less attractive chickens.
unless I come steal them. bwa ha ha!