Maya's dead tooth finally abscessed and had to be removed. As it so often happens with children, she had to wait until just after we left free dental care to do it. Two years of dead tooth and then boom right between free dental care and dental insurance she has to go and have it yanked out. She was extremely brave and didn't cry or guessed it- brave skills were put in and operating at 100%.
Maya's explanation of what happened to her tooth goes like this.
"My tooth had a little flea in it and the flea was munch munching on my tooth so I had to go and have it taken out by the dentist before it got too full."
She seemed alright with that and the whole thing threw me off guard so I just left it at that.
She seemed alright with that and the whole thing threw me off guard so I just left it at that.
I can't believe she already had her first rotting tooth--she is growing up so fast!
I know we are so proud of her. You can almost see the rot weeping out of her gaping wound.
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