Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Attention to all-I am a procrastinator. I have learned that sometimes if I wait long enough the thing just goes away. Procrastination is my little way of weeding out life's little non essentials. For instance, I can have a stack of papers that I keep because I am supposed to sign something, look to find a cheaper version, or sort through some coupons. Inevitably the field trip will come and go (kid may be left behind), I will forget about wanting to buy said item at all and the coupon for the thing I most likely didn't need will expire. The result is that next time I go through "the pile" I don't have to do anything with any of it-I can just throw it all away.
Unfortunately for me, some things don't just go away with procrastination. Moving is one of those things. I vividly remember the night before I was supposed to leave home for college; I was packing boxes until 3 am because I chose not to do it until the last minute.
Now, here I was days before our big move, nothing is packed, and I am baking cookies. If ever there was a time that probably wasn't the time for home baked cookies...The other reason I wanted to post this was to remind myself of my little frightened Ed. He likes to be part of the baking action but when the mixer is going, he clings on to me real tight. I think it stems from the days when I would hold his hands to make sure he didn't reach into the mixer while it was going, or maybe it is because he is afraid of heights. Either way, I love to cook with him to get a guaranteed cuddle. Mom's have their way of cheating-or as Maya would say, "notfairing". I like to think he likes it too. :)


janaemadsen said...

good luck on the big move!

angie said...

This is such a cute Pic Sara! You and Ed are adorable! Sometimes procrastination isn't such a bad thing... I like how you seize the moment to bake with your boy! He won't always hold on to you so tight... we moms have to get it while we can!

HeatherandTanner said...

That IS a really cute pic! And I know what you mean about procrastination... that is my life outside of work!