Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hold the Skins Please

Ed doesn't like apple skins and this is his way of avoiding them. I think he finds them as repulsive as an orange skin. I remember watching him do it when we went to the pumpkin patch and I thought, "Why DOES he do that? None of us do it." I then glanced up and sitting there on the bench nibbling on an apple was Grandpa Ed doing the exact same skinless thing. The truly odd thing about it is that little Ed did it even before meeting his grandpa-like when he was 18 months old or something. I tried to catch them together eating their apples skinless but I wasn't quick enough. Is this a genetic trait? It must have skipped a generation because I have never seen Mark do it.


Jillo said...

That is how all of my boys eat apple slices. They refuse to eat the skin, but if they are holding a whole apple, they will bite into it and eat it like a normal person. weird.

HeatherandTanner said...

Well, I love the skins if that says anything. Maybe it's just a skipped generation male thing.

me said...

Ollie does the same thing, or if the apple is whole, he'll bite off the skin and spit it out (unfortunately all over my carpet).