Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ed the Who

I love it when a two year old such as Ed here injures themselves and insists that a band-aid is the only thing that will remedy their pain. Places where a band-aid is demanded by child but deemed "just not possible" by parents are as follows: the top of the head (unless the child is open to having their head shaved), tongue, inside of ear, eye, lip, inside nose (I am open to the top of the nose just because it makes me laugh) and as seen here that tiny part above your lip (once named by my girls-the bogey river path).
After falling down the garage stairs putting the recycling I had left in the middle of the floor into the bin, Ed injured his nose and upper lip. Ed being my last, and slightly spoiled child coupled with the fact I am too tired to be a consistent parent anymore, was awarded his desire to have a band-aid not only on the acceptable "outer nose" but on the bogey river channel as well.
I thought I would go through with it and he would see it for all of its silliness and utter impracticality but turns out he was just fine with it-did I really expect anything but? Aida decided he looked like a who and I had to agree.

1 comment:

angie said...

what a cute little bandaid boy!