Thursday, February 25, 2010

Treadmill Cars

The new parenting advice is to not over-schedule your kids. Apparently they are supposed to have some time where they are "bored" it provokes them to be creative. I am glad to hear this because I used to feel guilty about all the opportunities I felt my kids were missing out on due to lack of time, money or energy. Here is a little something Aida came up with when she disappeared for hours at Grandma's house one day. Don't worry Grandma I don't think she was bored I think she just had an idea. I really like how she thought to position the tape and the cars so it looks like they are changing lanes.


me said...

Ollie was amazed by this, he thought it was awesome

Fraser and Candice said...

This is so cool, although I'm still wondering if you just took video of your own work here Sara, totally looks like a Sara project...either way I'm about to go buy a treadmill so I can try it...I mean so my kids can try it :)