Sunday, February 14, 2010

Deer Valentine

These vintage valentine cookies appeal to me on so many levels. Those of you that know my "work" could only surmise how totally excellent mine would look insert villaneous laughter here. I showed Mark these pretties and he said, "Sorry but you ain't puttin' any food in our printer." He knew straight away how alluring these were to me why he had to throw in the southern accent is beyond me (that only left me wondering if he was serious). Drat, why did Mark have to choose to put his foot down about THIS?!
Oh Bakerella how I love thee!

P.S. Twin-do you remember my awesome Bambi poster?

1 comment:

janaemadsen said...

I have a late valentine's present for you, If I don't eat it. OK it's not from Bakerella at all, but I forgot to mail it and it's embarrassing. and not that exciting. end stupid comment.