Saturday, January 22, 2011

Happy Birthday To MARK

Well it has almost been a week since Mark had his birthday but better late than never. Mark spent the day at meetings for church sunup to sundown-no really I think two of the kids never even saw him on his actual special day. Fortunately we plan ahead and anticipated this and celebrated his day on Saturday instead. Who really knows when anyone's real birthday is around here? I made Mark a party cake with party frosting because it is what he enjoys best and I have to admit there is something yummy about it. I could write a million ways that Mark is awesome but really it just comes down to that he can and does do everything. So here are some pictures of my January Boyz.
This year Mark
has learned car repair-something he has shunned in the past but has taken to like a fish in water.
is able to teach two different classes at the exact same time do a scheduling error-don't ask how but it involves a lot of work.
was made Second Counselor in the Bishopric.
turned a moldy bathroom into a work of art.
built a chicken coop and is now working on a second design.
somehow manages to still put 4 crazy girls and a jumpy little boy first before anything.
Happy Birthday to the MAN
party cake
running auto shop-the muffler replacement that started it all
getting pick pocketed
going on the rides that make mom want to hoarf
getting pounced everyday


Jillo said...

Mark really is a great guy!

tom and jonelle said...

happy birthday Mark ....we miss you!