Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Malai A Coco & Mr. Snead

I hope the title of this post is not offensive to anyone. Aida came into our office dressed like this after we had put them to bed. "May I come in and talk to you?" she asks us in a funny accent that I think is meant to be an impersonation of a man. Seeing all of her effort that she had put into her get-up how could we refuse? "My name is Malai a Coco and I would like to talk to you about your daughter Aida. She has too much homework from school." The conversation went on for awhile until we finally flubbed her up enough to admit that it could be possible that Malai a Coco and Aida were one and the same. It was not long before Malai took off and Mr. Snead entered with interview notebook in hand. I still don't know what to think but it did give me a good laugh at a time of the day that is usually quite stressful. The spontaneity of children is incomparable to just about anything-I honestly did not forsee a visit from Malai a Coco. I wonder what tomorrow holds...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not want to show Mae this post because she is already a tape freak. The girls are so cute!