Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Do not adjust your monitors, that is indeed a giant cupcake you are seeing. C'mon what did you expect from the kitchen of Sara?

Yeah more Build A Bears! You guessed it-Hannah Montana Bear. Lucy was so pleased though and it was a fun birthday.

See, now this is what I love about america, cupcakes at school. Lucy wanted a nautical theme because they have been learning about sea-life this week. I was up for the challenge and believe it or not this is my own design. Sour patch kids impaled with toothpicks, I mean holding fishing line catching dolpins and whales. You can't see the detail but I did add a bit of extra texture for the "sand" on the beach. Go ahead and magnify it you know you want to.

It has come and gone quickly but my little Lucy is now seven. It was so sweet this morning as she came out with a big smile on her face and her fancy birthday crown on. She had no reservations whatsoever about wearing it to school. The last time she wore it was to a restaurant earlier this month in New Hampshire on a day that was not her birthday at all. The waitress came up and saw the "Happy Birthday" crown on her head and naturally enquired, "how old are you today?" without missing a beat she replied, "seven". I can totally see where she was coming from because I have become known as "the flosser" under a similar situation. It shouldn't have been a surprise when the entire staff came out with her sundae singing "Happy Birthday" while Lucy sat there with a big smile on her face and politely replied, "Thank You!" We did not want the waitress to feel silly so there we all were wishing Lucy a Happy Birthday right down to Lucy making up her favorite presents. Blast that waitress and her endless questions! I know, I know honesty. I have the same problem as Lucy, I don't intentionally lie, it just comes out of my mouth and a hole is dug seemingly effortlessly.
With that, I have to say that I love my Lucy she is adorable and I love how she is the only one that giggles at my jokes, I love her little face, I love watching her ride her two-wheeler as she zig-zags down to path trying to balance. I can't believe I have a seven year old and I can only imagine it will get even better. I know the real reason many of you are reading this post is because you are waiting with baited breath to see the birthday cake creation I made this year. For my cake fans I have an extra treat for you, I also made birthday cupcakes for school. Enjoy.


janaemadsen said...

I want some of your cupcakes

Anonymous said...

I also purchased the cupcake cake mold this year. Great minds really do think and shop alike. I made one for our ward Scout cake auction as a practice run for Mae's birthday. It turned out great, but a week later when I went to replicate it for the real event, Mae's 8th birthday, it was a disaster. I didn't time things right, and the cake was not cool enough when I tried to assmeble it. It was not pretty like Lucy's. It stood tall for a couple minutes, but then it slowly began to crumble. I was left with a goey pile of cake. We ate it anyway though.