Saturday, September 27, 2008

Okay Okay Okay

I know this is a little premature of me but I am once again organizing and those of you that like my smugmug will be really really proud of me in like 12 years when I am finished. I came across this photo today and I felt that it was significant in 2 ways: 1. I love Halloween! 2. How good of a mom am I? Great-right? Just look at the cleanliness of my child!
Provided that I am able to get my act together, I have big plans for posting in October that most likely will not happen but just know I considered doing something BIG. I like Halloween in a celebrate Fall, cutesy, commercialized way not so much the devilish, dark evil way. I went to a Halloween shop and as Ed clung to me for his life when the headless ghouls were bobbing up and down, I was left feeling glad he was doing so because it was all so morbid that I was scared. I guess in my world I have been clinging more to the Martha Stewart or better still, the Hallmark Halloween. Seeing all the decor at once was overwhelming and quite creepy. I am not letting it discourage me though I picked up my satin fall leaves and my mini pumpkins and I am ready to go.


Chris said...

Hey just wanted so say thanks for having us all down for the long visit...I know we left you feeling exhausted I'm sure but it was worth it! Yeah stick to the Martha Halloween. I can't wait for all of your posts ;)

The Cammocks said...

Hi Bergz family. I hope that Edie gets over his trauma and is able to enjoy the horrors of Halloween. I am hoping that we get to enjoy the horrors of halloween in Hawaii, but some how without children it will seem a little empty and meaningless.