Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2 Double 0 9

Well another Christmas has gone by and I believe that it was a success. For the second year in a row we have been able to spend it in NH with family. A little less snow than last year but enough to satisfy the kids needs to sled and frolic. The unfortunate part of the holiday was that Mark, Ed and I were hit by a flu of sorts. I honestly haven't been this sick in a long long time and it has been miserable. Luckily Lucy and Maya only just got it so they could enjoy their Christmas. The kids were happy this year. I think everyone got what they wanted but as the story goes we were just happy to be amongst family. One of the things that we learned to appreciate during our time abroad was having family. We were fortunate to have kind friends that really took us in and let us become a part of their families during the holidays. During this season I miss our friends, NZ, mince tarts, fish and chips the same old BUT I am also glad to be surrounded by family, to be a homeowner and to celebrate Christmas in the cold. One thing that I realized is that families can drive us crazy, unintentionally make cruel comments, make passive aggressive criticisms, perhaps we are even the instigators but they are our family. Family also can make us laugh, pick us up when we are down, forgive, and they care for one another. While my friends were kind to invite us over I couldn't help but feel a little homesick watching them tease, argue or rant about scarce food. I guess what I mean to say is sometimes those moments that we are with our family that drive us the most crazy are in their own way the most tender and intimate ones. They show us that we are surrounded by people that we are comfortable around enough to cause a stir. There have been a lot of changes in the Berg family this year-enough to reflect on the past year and think about how relative time really is. I am grateful to be where I am at this moment in time because circumstances can really change so quickly and it is important to look to the future but it is equally important to appreciate the moment. With that here is Sara signing off--

Homemade Garland


Mark-made Puzzle Box for Ed


Giant Gumball Machines (Ed super duper wanted one)

and of course a Dancing Grandma


HeatherandTanner said...

That video of Grandma dancing is priceless. I think that is the most fun I have ever seen her have (or remember seeing her have)!

janaemadsen said...

I love grandma dancing!
Danielle is going to freak if she learns Eddy has a gumball machine. She will want to go to the beach even more.

Jillo said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! Way to go Ruth! I love the dancing! The kids will love watching that for years to come! What a cool grandma.