Saturday, May 8, 2010

Crazy Susan’s Cookies

Today I hit a yard sale and returned with a few things I think I don’t want but at the time I couldn’t help but get it because at yard sales sometimes you get that “but I where would I ever possible find this again?” feeling. Completely forgetting that maybe there are some things that should never have been found in the first place much less found for a second go. Feeling a little ripped off that I didn’t find something cool for Mark and I’s garden oasis we are making, I decided to drive past an antique store that was down the road from the yard sale and next door to Crazy Susan’s Cookies. The antique store was closed but Susan’s was open (she is only open weekends until tourist season opens up).
Here’s the thing-I like my cookies. I like MY cookies a lot. I remember making cookies for a friend of mine and all she said was how good HER mom’s recipe was and that her mom is so good at cookie making she can make them more round that mine and faster using nothing but a spoon as opposed to my scooper which I feel like she was implying was a cheats tool. After feeling a bit offended at her unsubtle insinuations that my cookies weren’t up to snuff I had to forgive her because aren’t we all a bit protective of what our momma’s cookies? I think many people feel that way about their own cookies even though for the most part isn’t everyone’s “secret family recipe” really the toll-house recipe with maybe a bit more vanilla in it? Remember when wards were filled with ward cookbooks proclaiming to have the REAL Mrs. Fields Cookie recipe? The first time I went to Susan’s I was not impressed with the overall “appearance” of the cookie and I did find the chocolate chip to be a little too sweet and brown sugary but the other cookies-like the turtle cookie-delicious. Aida and I decided to treat ourselves after the unproductive yard sale. We had a plan we would each get a different flavour, go halfsies and get rid of the evidence before going home. Aida chose a warm peanut butter cookie with peanut butter chips in it. Okay, I am not a peanut butter cookie fan but this cookie was super super good. It wasn’t hard and crunchy like peanut butter can be but it had the crisp edges and the warm gooey middle that i like. Again, not a real looker of a cookie but the best peanut butter cookie I have ever had it just melted in your mouth. I actually turned the car around and bought Mark one because I felt THAT guilty about enjoying the deliciousness without him. The ladies that work there-including Susan are friends with a lot of their patrons and it is fun to visit with them. I guess this will be their first year with a a kiosk on the boardwalk which I am pretty sure will do nothing to aid me getting rid of the sarong this year. Anyway here is video of Susan and some shots of Ocean City to entice anyone to come out and visit New Joize.

1 comment:

janaemadsen said...

and I wonder who that friend was... oh wait, never mind. My friend nadell makes the best peanut butter cookies. I'm not usually a fan, but I like hers and i would try crazy susans. Maybe during cricket week...