Friday, March 21, 2008


Mark has been trying very hard and admirably I might add, to get the girls to stop hanging out in our bedroom. We love the girls but every now and then it is nice to have a place to go that doesn't have fingerprints or piles of their stuff. Well, last night Mark caught the girls having another little rendez-vous in our room, which included cuddling in our bed with their dirty feet, and once again banished them with great fervor. To accentuate his point he firmly shut the door after shooing them out. We went ahead and started with our nightly routine of cleaning up. I gave a small yelp as I opened our bedroom door to put something away and Ed popped into view. Apparently when Mark had tossed the girls out of our room, Ed had tucked himself away in a corner out of view. Now to why we did not hear his cries for help. As soon as I opened the door he ran out with a half-eaten lollipop. Not only was the lollipop half-consumed but the wrapper was also just half-consumed (thankfully). That wasn't the only treat Ed had during his brief lock-up. He had also gotten into my early Easter candy stash and eaten I don't know how many chocolate eggs. Here is a picture of one wet, partially unwrapped egg that escaped. What was of more concern to us was that the ratio of missing chocolate eggs to wrappers. Anyway, we tried to snap some quick photos to capture the moment so feel free to check them out.

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