Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Who Can?

Who Could Open this Can?

Not Aida. Not Lucy. Not Maya. Definitely not Ed. Just Juice, Just Me.

I decided to surprise the girls with their own cans of fizzy with our fish and chips tonight. I distributed them and then went to get Ed's nutrient filled dinner of fried fish.
Enter Aida and Lucy asking me how to open their cans of fizzy. To their credit, they were pretty certain it had to do something with the tab and probably would have figured it out on their own...
Delving a little deeper into the real issue begs the following possibilities.

A. I am a helicopter parent. I hover over my children and have a tendency to do things for them they can very well do for themselves.

B. I am an uber, cool, health conscientious mum that rarely, if ever lets her children consume such unhealthy, sugary, artificially coloured beverages.

Hmmm. Once I told them that indeed you do lift up the tab on the can to open the fizzy, I let them do it for themselves. Given that we do have f & c once a week and it is far from healthy and we often have fizzy with it just from a bottle instead of individual cans, I can't claim to be a healthy mum either. In conclusion, I would have to say that maybe I am a little bit of "A" and "B". Most of all, I just thought it was funny they didn't know how-did you?

1 comment:

The Taylor Family said...

Well the can does say "Just Juice" You must be uber healthy mom!