Monday, March 3, 2008

An Oldie

Okay, so nothing you haven't seen a million times before. I chose this one because I did not take any pictures of the goings on around here today and it does pertain to something that went on today. I finally made it to Lucy's class to show off my awesome caterpillar chrysalis movie. I got to showcase it to 3 groups of 6 year olds. They were all real cute, but it was Lucy's face that really did it for me. She was just pumped to have me in her class. As an extra treat, I brought in a "j" caterpillar for them to keep their beady little eyes on to see if they can catch the change. It is funny because when you watch the video is seems like forever but really it is only a couple of minutes and it is surprisingly hard to catch. That age is funny in the classroom, maybe I will get back to teaching it one day.
Aida is working on a sweet collage poster titled "All People Are Different". The background is graffitied with different characteristics that people may have and she has done some sketches of different people. So far she only has Lucy and Eddie done, but I think they are pretty good. Lucy comes complete with headband.
Maya is struggling with missing her papa and gave me a couple of hours of peace when she watched "Angelina Ballerina" twice in a row.
Ed was able to call Papa Georgio on Skype. He found it all very amusing. I hope it was just an accident or he is really going to start giving me the heebees.
For a more "professional" version of events go here
I just can't get enough of them. Truly amazing-I wish everyone could see it happen in real-life to truly enjoy the beauty and complexity of God's creations.

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