Sunday, July 27, 2008


The Weka known to one (you know who you are) as the mythical NZ wingless chicken. Lucy actually got a few sweet shots of this one when we went to the Pancake rocks. She followed one for sometime but I can't be bothered trying to track it down.

This little cutey is Mark's favourite. They are common outside our house and are tiny tiny.

Can you see the bloodthirsty look in its eyes? This is when it was kicking up grass and getting ready to charge at me and do who knows what. Luckily I was faster and under good cover...

This little fantail is often outside of our windows eating the "compost" that we throw out of them. I also often seem them in the bird sanctuary and in the little tree outside our window.

These are also often outside eating our "compost" that did not make it to the bin.

Maya and I see at least one of these on our walk to kindi.

Pukekos. A bit of a pest but I really like them. They have such great colours and their little pukekolings are really really cute.

Okay, leaving NZ post number two. I figured since I was into the wildlife thing with my running post I would go ahead and run with it LOL LOL LOL LOL. Sorry, sometimes the LOLs just come flowing out-ya know? Anyway, birds. That is the next of my posts. These are all common and even pest-like but they are a part of what I will remember. I took these from some guy that visited NZ and claimed their preservation of bird life was appalling. I was appalled at is apallation of NZ but his pictures were just what I needed for this post so I am willing to look the other way. I did feel inspired to take a picture of this family of black swans that I came across on one of my recent runs. I was amazed to see these baby swan lings or whatever you call them in the middle of winter. I ran home to get my camera as fast as I could. Mark told me to grab the telephoto, "No time!" I panted and ran out the door. Yeah, the telephoto would have been nice because I suddenly realized just how close I was going to need to get to get a good shot of the swan family. I got down real low and moved slowly all national geographic like. I was doing alright until that swan started after me. I ran and I ran fast but I knew they could do the whole half fly half run thing and I was scared. I got home and grabbed the telephoto but it was too dark and my hand unsteady so it all came out blurry. I decided it was an experience and I tried so I will post the picture that I risked my life for. Anyway there are many more interesting birds but these are the ones that they guy had that are most familiar to me. Not all are unique to NZ but nevertheless they are part of my experience. Thanks birds.

1 comment:

granpeni said...

Sara, you will be so glad you took the time to post these cool remembrances of the days in NZ. I hope you have a way of keeping them in a hard copy of some kind. The photos are very cool and your observations timely and special. thanks for sharing and looking forward to seeing "the Bergs". Love ya