Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Blasted Ranch Rush

Okay so I did it, I went to a game forum to find out how to beat the Ranch. I can not win this stupid game. In my defence I did skip over the casual game and go straight to the expert mode. "How hard could it be" I thought to myself. Real hard. I used to like to do these time management games because I could succeed in these games where I could not in real life. Now I am failing in my virtual time management as well. I don't even want to play it anymore if I can't win. Alright, I will give it one more chance or maybe two-TOPS. Here is my ranch when it was looking cute and successful. Just because I have become a gamer does not mean that I have changed my position that games are huge time-suckers taking away time that is much better spent elsewhere. I am now just an addicted hypocrite. I blame Mark's dissertation and Big Fish.


janaemadsen said...

So you forgot to post a link to this online game. I am always looking for more time wasters. I love your ranch!

bmark said...
