Sunday, January 25, 2009

Fun Freebies

I have been meaning to post something about this for awhile but I have been too lazy to take pictures so I just pulled some from the internet. We have caught on to the fun that is the Home Depot workshops. They are completely free projects that you can do with your kids. Each kid gets a free apron and a pin for every project they complete. Since everything is precut and it is not at the house, it is completely stress-free. On one of our visits they noticed that we did not have all the pins for the year, they sent us home with a box full of pins and past projects. FREE
We decided we were onto a good thing so we just happened to notice that Lowe's does the same thing. Lowe's is like Home Depot but a little "classier" and anyone that knows me knows that I am all class. At the Lowe's workshops you get an apron, goggles, and a super cute patch. Their projects are a little nicer too-as in they usually include stickers. Anyway, I decided to do a post so you could all participate in the V-Day projects coming up. If you have girls they will want one. We probably don't need 6 jewelery boxes but we will hit both workshops up because it is what we do.

Okay, fine here is a picture of one of the gingerbread houses the girls made.
Home Depot's project on the first Saturday of February.

Lowe's project on Valentine's Day.


Claire said...

What a cute idea! You'll have to post pictures of the finished projects.

Anonymous said...

I took the kids to Home Depot. Thanks for the info. They loved it. Now we are aparently going every month so they can get pins fo their aprons.