Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Say What You Will

This could be blackmail for a later date or maybe it was just for my own amusement that I went along with it? Last night was Maya and Lucy's big Fairy Fashion Show I am sure there are several of you that know how thrilling those fashion shows can be. Ed was inspired by the fashion and intrigued with the attention, so today it should not have been a surprise when all of a sudden the dress-ups looked quite appealing to him. It wouldn't do to have a few bits and pieces on, he had to have every piece on. I am sure it is totally fine, I remember Diggs spent his first few years of life in a tutu and then there is how Twin's boys loved to come over to my house and play with the dolls. Older sisters can be very persuasive.
I know it is wrong, but it was kind of fun to dress him up. He sat so still and then when he was done he still walked all manly stomping around with all this fairy gear on. Dainty Ed is not.
Don't worry, he is not striking a pose, he is just copying my camera-taking position.

Ed could only remain demure for so long.


angie said...

Oh! He looks so "pretty"! I have pics of Skyler wearing a bunch of girly dress-ups- that's just what happens when they are surrounded by girls!

Anonymous said...

I just love this little boy. What a cute guy. We have a picture of Tyson about the same age with a pair of big clip on earrings on.

HeatherandTanner said...

Oh. My. Goodness. I am not going to lie, I haven't even read what you wrote yet! I just saw this adorable picture (that I'm sure every young boy with older sisters has)! I'm so glad that I finally found your blog again! Hope that everything is well. Love you guys!