Saturday, January 3, 2009

Today Is Ed's Birthday

What Ed Does
By Maya Berg

Today is Ed's birthday.

I wonder what he will do. When it is time to eat cake will he use his hands or his fork?

If he uses his hands, then we will have to clean him up.

If he uses his fork, then we will not have to clean him up.

I know! He will use his hands to put the cake on the fork.
We will have to clean him up.

I can't believe my baby boy is two already! I know many of my posts are on this little guy but I just have to say that I love love love him! Ed spreads joy and is so much fun to watch, to talk to and to play with. Unfortunately for Ed he had a sore tummy all week and had a bit of a bad rash. I will spare you the details but let's just say he was in a lot of pain. The poor little guy put on a brave face and tried to enjoy himself anyway. I made one of my famous cakes for him and it was a little reminisent of his "problem". Oh well. He really wasn't hungry for cake so I missed out on my shot of him making a big mess. Grandma Ruth just so happened to have had a card fitting the rocketship theme and he enjoyed flying it around and got a little possessive of it. Aida bought him some toy cars and attached two dollars (one for each year) to a balloon for him. Maya wrote two books for him, the one illustrated above and another one about a birthday crown which she also made for him to present with the book about making him a birthday crown. Lucy was very good at helping him open his cards and played cars with him all day. Hopefully sometime this week I will be able to write him his yearly birthday letter. I guess I should write the girls theirs first though...
Anyway, Happy Birthday Ed and thanks to all those well-wishers!

1 comment:

janaemadsen said...

Happy Birthday Ed! What are you guys doing this weekend? We could come to NJ