Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How Cold

Notice how the superhero effect is able to camouflage my thumbs up?

I find that when I first step out of my house for a cold run, I actually run pretty quick until I get puffed and realize that I am subconsciously running quicker to try to get out of the cold, sort of like when you run to, and from your car. It isn't too long before I come to my senses and realize that no matter how fast I run, I cannot escape the cold until the run itself is over.
How cold does it have to be before one could legitimately not have to exercise outside? I have a real guilt complex about missing running days. I guess a diet that is heavy on chocolate chip cookies and pizza demands that I do something to minimize the damage done. True, I could and should just cut back but I can't, I am weak. The lowest temperature I have been able to endure is 32 degrees and even then I thought my nose was going to fall off and every step was labored as it felt as if my gluteus maximus was no longer functioning as a muscle but rather as two blocks of ice. Here is a picture of me in my super-hero outfit braving the cold. Really, tell me how cold does it have to be to give me a guilt-free pass to skipping a run?


The Hammonds said...

I never run if it is colder than 70 degrees outside. And then when it is above 70, I think it's just a little too hot. If that helps . . .

sivab said...

Those circumstances seem ideal. I think I should just move and become your neighbor/running buddy. :)

deesha said...

I am impressed! You are dedicated! In the winter, I only run on my treadmill. However, it is in my unfinished basement and I think it's cold (though certainly nothing like what you are enduring!) I find myself running faster too, just to warm up. I think that if you can see your breath, it's too cold. BTW I love your super hero outfit. All the better to scare other runners as you see fit ;)

me said...

two words..

i might also add:

sivab said...

If only money weren't any issue. :(

Anonymous said...

I could probably make some sort of treadmill for you. Maybe with some duct tape and a big empty drum or something.

janaemadsen said...

I think an ice storm gets you out of it. but then again I am overweight.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should fashion a giant hamster wheel to run in- like the one they had on American Gladiators. Or maybe one of those Zorbs, so then you could run outside, and still be inside.