So another Mother's Day has come and gone. It was really good this year. It was interesting because I recently read an article stating that there had been some "research" done by a Harvard professor and he had the following to say
"people's happiness goes into steep decline after they have children, and never recovers its old level until the children leave home. As a source of pleasure, playing with one's offspring rates just above doing housework but below talking with friends, eating, or watching TV, research has shown."
This statement had me ask myself two questions. One, "Is it true?" and two, "It may not be so for myself, but how what is going on with those he studied?"
Okay, so there are the jokes about it and all that but come on my actual happiness has not gone in steep decline. Quite the opposite. Certain freedoms I once had yeah, okay, those went in steep decline but happiness no. I guess it comes with expectations a little. I didn't bring children into the world to make me happy or with an expectation to make myself more happy. Did the other people have this expectation? Children are a joy all unto themselves. Never have I had to exercise so much patience and be humbled so greatly. My children have taught me a lot and isn't that what life is? One funny thing they say or one little hand cupping my chin with such pleasure as Eddie is doing in the photo is worth all the sleep deprivation and wobblies thrown. It is about finding something greater within yourself that life itself takes on a whole other meaning. No longer is it all just about me. Me is easy and uncomplicated. No, really it is. Raising a child the best that you know how, not knowing the outcome until the end that is what is hard. The faith you learn to have seems to multiply at an astonishing rate starting from the first moment you hear their first cry.
I admit, I often will find myself wanting to read my own NY bestseller rubbish over "My World" but to say that brings me greater pleasure would not be accurate. After that initial wanting and "My World" winning, the pleasure is definitely with my child as they learn a new word or laugh at one of my great jokes.
I don't mean to sound like an incredible loving mother that never has "her moments" because that would not be true. What I am is a mother that is trying very hard to finish what I started and to have joy in the process. I am learning in to grow in ways that I never knew existed but their importance in my life is immense.
I guess what I am getting at is Mother's Day for me not only makes me appreciate my own mother, but it makes me appreciate being a mother. It is such an incredible gift that I would not give up for all the swedish fish in the world. So thank you Mark, thank you girls, and thank you Ed for taking me on the most amazing, rewarding journey I could have hoped for.
who drew that drawing?
Lucy drew it for me for Mother's Day. I also had a beautiful finger castle that you made for me but alas it would not fit in the scanner without getting squashed.
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