Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Maya's Ballet Skills

Those of you that are faithful Bergnewz blog readers will have read the sidebar regarding Maya's skills. For those of you that couldn't be bothered, Maya has skills. I asked her once how she ran so fast and she said it was because she had skills inside her body which she told me then she got from me. I know, surprise surprise-right? I asked her just the other day where you can buy skills and she replied quickly and with great enthusiasm, "THE WAREHOUSE". A kiwi would understand why I chuckled at that statement. When I asked her if she could give some skills to her Aunt Corinne, she said, "Course she can! She can have my crystal skills princess skills, purple skills..." on and on she went for the 15 minutes it took us to walk home from kindi. Who knew the girl had so many skills and so many to spare as well! Anyway these pix are ones that I took shortly after Maya introduced me to her concept of "skills". Here she is showing me her plaster that she got that fateful day when her skills made her go too fast to kindi and she fell and scraped her knee. It was worth it though because kindi has the special coloured plasters instead of the ghetto flesh coloured ones we have at home. After that she shelved her skills for awhile up high "where Ed-ay can't reach them". The skills have since been used again but here are her ballet skills in action with a nice close up of how clean we keep wounds around here. Sorry about the colouring, I was trying to figure out the best lighting setting for that dark church hall. My favourite is the one where she is having to suck her tummy in. That was my least favourite but most memorable part of my short stint with ballet lessons.

1 comment:

tom and jonelle said...

I love pic 3 of maya, to me it just captures the little girl who i love to bits.You do a wonderful job with these kiddies Sara.